MODA (Museum of Design Atlanta) presents:

ATLANTA: Beyond Bricks & Sticks

Co-curators:  Jim Hackler (The Urbane Environmentalist) and Holley Henderson (H2 Ecodesign). 

INTRO:  The core story of ATLANTA: Beyond Bricks & Sticks is the incredible diversity and number of green buildings and developments in metro Atlanta that are featured on 18 cubes and an interactive hub that lets visitors instantly know what the exhibit is about (the “Bricks & Sticks”). It’s broken into four categories of LEARN, WORK, LIVE and PLAY that represent the four different type of green projects found in Atlanta. 

The “Beyond” portion of the title challenges visitors to think differently about green projects with information on who is green – it’s the people who learn, work, play and live in green buildings. Their stories are told in short features shown on the touch screens in the exhibit’s hub – these are 1-3 minute videos that give specific details related to each cube. Single word descriptions of each cube are graphically displayed on the screens in the hub. Visitors have the option of touching a word to find out more about the projects and concepts featured on the corresponding cube. Four additional interactive screens placed on the double-stacked cubes of ENERGY, AIR, LAND and WATER that give a more in-depth look at what is green (products, intro to exhibit, LEED & EarthCraft), where is green (the Atlanta Green Map), why be green (triple bottom line), how can I be green? (carbon footprint test, Energy Star water saving calculations, green jobs, take away tips on greening your home). 

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On the Air
MODAvational Exhibit
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Environmental Education
The Green Machine
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